No matter what kind of you you are.
You'll probably have thoughts and emotions.
And sometimes happens that we loose contact with them for multiple reasons.
They are still there... but we can't see them clearly.
If this is the case, we will build Mind Bridges together,
to recover your goals, feelings, emotions and thoughts and empower yourself to choose what's next.
We believe in a world where everyone has the right to be free and to make their own choices.
Our mission is to create safe spaces for people to talk freely, explore new ways of thinking and experience empowerment to create and choose their own ahead solutions.
By being authentic, with all respect and kindness, we actively listen to each other and accept the way we are, free of judgement.
We are free of judgement.
Each of us bring our true selve in all we do and say.
We respect all different perspectives.
Each of us own our decisions and their consequences.
What we listen to is confidential and safe.
Our behaviour’s and attitudes don’t deviate from all the values we stand for.
Marisa Story
I love to live, I love people and I never forget that waking up each morning and breathing, is an opportunity given to us.
What we choose to do next with this opportunity depends on "us" first, and only after others.
It is creating that power of choice that fascinates me and inspired me to create Mind Bridges, so others can create their’s too.
I was born near the sea, in warm African lands.
Unfortunately, even the most peaceful paradise has its own challenges: the arrival of troops in the village forced women and children to become refugees in the Church.
The village priest sent us in the fishing boats towards the capital and my father did not arrive in time.
A couple of days on the sea, without nothing to eat and almost to drink... a packed plane to Lisbon were our only rescue.
There was no going back - the house stayed behind with everything we had, in reality, everything we had, including family and friends.
Weeks later, destiny promoted the reunion, and we found my father, who had finally managed to arrive also from Luanda. A reunion which many were not so lucky to experience.
The peaceful life by the sea would become a sea of storms, but the resilience that independence has created for us has remained forever.
Trabalhar com a Marisa foi muito enriquecedor para meu desenvolvimento profissional.
Um ponto que trabalhamos muito foi a comunicação.
Fizemos exercícios de visualização e de encenação de algumas situações nas quais eu estava tendo dificuldade em comunicar minha mensagem.
Estes exercícios foram extremamente úteis para que eu pudesse perceber coisas que não estava a perceber, e aprimorar minha maneira de comunicar.
A dedicação da Marisa durante este exercícios foi fundamental para que eu pudesse ter uma experiencia o mais
proximo possível de uma situação real. Por isso os resultados foram tão enriquecedores.
O impacto da mentoria com a Marisa deu-se a nível pessoal e profissional.
Não só as sessões são um momento para dar um passo atrás e olhar para os desafios de uma forma holística e consciente, como são uma ferramenta de accountability que no meu caso foi crucial.
A Marisa é concisa e direta, tem uma capacidade enorme de identificar o verdadeiro desafio por detrás do desafio que penso ter, e por essa razão, recomendo a todos os que procurem uma maior eficiência na resolução dos seus desafios pessoais e profissionais.
No meu caso concreto, incidimos em temas de gestão de recursos humanos, pitch de investimento e estratégia de vida pessoal com resultados muito positivos.
I would highly recommend Marisa to anybody who is feeling a sense of overwhelm during a time of transition, seeking to live their life to the fullest, and unable to articulate what this might be.
She will encourage you to craft your goals into small actionable steps, and you will see positive results in minimal time. A word of caution: you must be open to unlearn, learn and relearn throughout the process!
What stands out most to me about interacting with Marisa, is her emphasis on
(1) developing a growth mindset, i.e. what we see as a challenge, is actually an opportunity to persevere and get better, and
(2) making the most of the knowledge and resources we have, at our disposal.
I also appreciate how she made me look at goals as not only a checklist of tasks, but a series of habits that are to be inculcated over time – steppingstones for sustained success.
The 6-month coaching gave me a lot of self-confidence and clarity – I know my strengths and now know how to deal with my weaknesses.
What stands out most to me about interacting with Marisa, is her emphasis on
(1) developing a growth mindset, i.e. what we see as a challenge, is actually an opportunity to persevere and get better, and
(2) making the most of the knowledge and resources we have, at our disposal.
I also appreciate how she made me look at goals as not only a checklist of tasks, but a series of habits that are to be inculcated over time – steppingstones for sustained success.
Hoje vejo o quanto cresci e que, com a ajuda da Marisa, consegui construir uma base de valores e princípios que vão me apoiar na nova fase da vida que me deparo.
Com 18 anos, estou prestes a começar a faculdade em um novo país, e o meu trabalho de coaching foi essencial para que eu possa entrar nessa nova fase com o pé direito.
Com a coach Marisa aprendi a encontrar as minhas respostas, aprendi a fazer um percurso ao interior de mim própria, e a encontrar o meu caminho.
Saí de cada sessão uma jovem muito mais segura do seu percurso e muito mais confiante no seu futuro.
Relembro algo que a Marisa me disse na nossa primeira sessão “Só depende de ti”, e é mesmo verdade.
When I started the coaching sessions with Marisa, I was struggling to find the right direction(...)
I compared her coaching as if you bring her a computer full of data without a screen. All the information is there, but you can´t see it. She helps plug in a screen. Almost like an augmented reality experience she helped pull closer which information is needed first.
Com a Marisa, percebi tudo, decidi tudo, porque com a Marisa percebi que todos os recursos estão comigo. Sem juízos de valor e com um grande sorriso, a Marisa leva-nos "lá", e "lá" é dentro de nós.
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Mind Bridges